Saturday, March 29, 2014

Easter baskets

I got a big head start on the boys Easter baskets because I find that I never have anytime anymore so I got them done when I knew I had time. I had initially only wanted to put all things non candy in caidans Easter basket but then I found these adorable football Easter eggs and couldn't resist! Brantley's of course had no candy but consisted of all things bunny! I had so much fun putting these together and in case you want ideas I've shared the sources:) 

Bunny bib from carters // bunny sippy cup from target // bunny ears and hat from target // sock monkey // pottery barn kids
Can't wait for the boys to open these!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

8 months and counting

Little B turned 8 months this week and as a gift, he got his first cold. I forgot how miserable it is to have a baby that is sick:( Luckily he remained in good spirits and allowed me to take his 8 month picture!

He is basically crawling at this point, its sort of like a improvised army crawl. But he gets from point a to point b! He loves eating, saying MAMA and chewing on everything he shouldn't. I think he will be like his big brother and walk at 10 months. 

I will be posting about my easter basket later this week so stay tuned for all the goodies!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Recap of the week

We had a great st paddys day AND someone had a very blessed birthday! I got wined and dined by my wonderful husband and then he not only surprised me with flying my best friend out to Colorado but he threw me a surprise party! I may have drank too much tequila but it was definitely a birthday I will remember! 

I am already looking forward to upcoming holidays like Easter and mothers day! I am so excited to give the boys their Easter baskets!! Especially Brantley since this will be his first Easter! Caidan doesn't even care if he gets candy anymore, he'd much rather prefer an iTunes card or new under armor clothes! 

Caidan has started playing football and is already loving it! He really is such a stud. I can see great things in his future! Anyways that's a quick recap! Here are some photos from the week! Enjoy!

Stay tuned for fun Easter basket goodies!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Smiling and sleeping

Holy smokes! It's already the middle of March! I have been so busy these days and have neglected updating my blog so to those who follow me, I'm so sorry:( Update on life these days. Caidan is now in spring football and will do that till June when he gets a month break and then will jump right into fall football! Busy little boy! Brantley is almost crawling! He he such a little mover these days! He is o happy all the time and is such a good little sleeper! He loves his brother so much!

We have hit the 7 month mark ladies and gentlemen and this little man is alright! He favorite things are taking baths, eating, rolling around on the floor and chewing on mommy's phone.

This is the closest we have gotten to crawling. Looks more like planking to me:)